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"I am The Doctor" ..... those words have been said by all 14 actors to have played the role of The Doctor in Doctor Who, a show I have watched and loved all my life, during my teens I had many low points and the one thing I have found is that during those times I always turn to Doctor Who, I remember once when I was around 12 or 13, I was home from school sick which was common  back then for me due to being sick a lot with Asthma, I remember feeling worse throughout the day and ended up being taken to hospital, I was admitted to a ward but the only free bed was on an adult ward so I was given a side room on that ward all to myself, I remember my mum asking what I would like brought in to entertain me, sadly gone were the younger days on the kids ward when she could bring my He-Man or Transformers to play with, this was an adult ward, so I asked for a few books, my walkman and some cassettes, when she returned she had brought me two books I knew I had but had never read, they were for what were then know as "missing adventures", Doctor Who stories primarily from the 1st and 2nd Doctors.


The books were two stories from the 2nd Doctors era and I knew of them but had never opened the books.  After reading the magazines and listening to some music I decided to pick up the first book, this one was "The Web of Fear" the first Doctor Who adventure to feature a future recurring guest Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart played by Nicholas Courtney who would next appear in my second book titled "The Invasion" a story which featured the first appearance of U.N.I.T (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce renamed in the revamped series from 2005 owards as Unified Intelligence Taskforce), this was the first time in my life that I had read 2 books back to back, needless to say once I left hospital I made a point of reading all those books I never read before.


A couple of years later I was amazed to hear that The Invasion had been found with the exception of Episodes 1 & 4 and that they were to be released onto VHS with Brigadier actor Nicholas Courtney providing links for the missing episodes 1 & 4, I was amazing and to this day is one of my favourite stories, sadly The Web of Fear was still missing and it would stay that was until 2013, only episode 3 is still missing.


With the return of the series in 2005 it has gone from strength to strength right to to the current Doctor, the 1st female Doctor played by Jodie Whittaker, some fans have been upset by this change and sadly the ratings have suffered in recent years but in my opinion Jodie stands tall alongside all her predecessors William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, John Hurt, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith & Peter Capaldi

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