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About ME

My name is Stephen (prefer Steve), I was born in I spent my early life in Notting Hill until 2004, I then moved to Erith to live with my then fiancee Clare.

We were married in 2005 and our first child Jessica was born in 2007, our second child Charlie arrived in 2009 and the baby of the family Lewis in 2012.


Our family is nothing special to anyone on the outside, I am short and fat, I have had Asthma since the age of 2 and in 2013 I was diagnosed with Arthritis which has progressivly gotten worse over the years to the point when I am unable to go out without Clare's help and I have to use a wheelchair, I also rely heavily on the kids to help me around the home.

All 3 kids have inherited Asthma from me, and Jessica has been diagnosed as Autistic, Clare and I took the decision to remove Jessica and Charlie from the school system in 2016 and have homeschooled all 3 kids ever since.


I like to watch Tv and Movies and have a wide interest across multiple genres including Sci-Fi, Horror, Comdey & Action but I am not a big fan of sloppy romantic stuff, I listen to a wide range of music, not really tied to any one particular form, group or solo artist, I also like to play video games and my goto console has been a sony Playstation ever since the original back in the 90's, I am currently on the PS4 and hopefully at some point Clare will agree to me having the new PS5 when it is released ...... Fingers crossed.


I will be using my blog to talk about my life, any major events and milestones, I will also be talking about my favourite programmes and movies and hopefully will even post the odd review or two

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